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Emojiland Tickets

Witness this exploration of the faces that live inside of our phones, and what it means.

To be confirmed.

Performance dates

Monday 31 October.

Run time 2hrs 30mins including one interval

Includes interval

  • Show info

Tickets for Emojiland are now available 

Originally opening Off-Broadway in January 2020, Emojiland become the New York Times Critic’s Pick, coined to be a ‘delectably silly-smart confection’. This electric ensemble piece explores what lies behind a person's expression, and how outer appearances can mask the inner world. Coming to the Garrick Theatre for one night only, Emojiland is a unique and innovative play not to be missed. Tickets for Emojiland are available to purchase now! 

About Emojiland 

This ensemble piece is inspired by The Unicode® Standard and is centred around a diverse archetype community and the faces that live in our phones. The ensemble involves a grinning face (depressed on the inside) a princess (who doesn’t want a prince) a skull (dying to be deleted), a nerd face (who is slightly too smart for his own good) and a face with sunglasses that cannot see past its own reflection, and many more interesting faces.

All seems well in Emojiland until a software update threatens to destroy their very existence, as a society, Emojiland is faced with two quintessential questions: who are we? And who matters? The emojis are ignited to life through the complexity of personality and the celebration of music!

The cast and creatives of Emojiland 

The cast of Emojiland includes Blake Patrick Anderson (Be More Chill) as Nerd Face, Laura Baldwin (Cinderella) as Smize, Louise Dearman (Wicked) as Princess, Olly Dobson (Back to the Future) as Skull, Hiba Elchikhe (Everybody’s Talking About Jamie) as Pile of Poo, Renee Lamb (SIX) as Police Officer, Hannah Lowther (Heathers) as Kissy Face, Tim Mahendran (&Juliet) as Guard, Natalie Paris (SIX) as Construction Worker, Oliver Savile (Rocky Horror Show) as Prince, Jonny Weldon (101 Dalmations) as Person in Suit Levitating and Dean John-Wilson (Aladdin) as Sunny.

The show is produced by Paul Taylor Mills, with Phil Cornwell as musical director and casting by Will Burton CDG.

Emojiland tickets are now available

There is always more than meets the eye, but what is the purpose of it all? Book tickets for Emojiland today!

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