A British Musical that Shoots for the Stars and Lands on the Moon!
Published on 14 September 2018
Last updated on 14 September 2018
The 80s were an era of big hair, neon colours, amazing music and Comic Books. Eugenius! the Musical brings all of those things crashing together. This inspired Superhero comedy musical has very quickly become a cult smash hit; its clever use of modern references together with 80s references makes for a fantastically hilarious show.
Pictured: Laura Baldwin and Rob Houchen prepare to pummel the competition in Eugenius!
The leading duo of Eugene and Janey, played by Rob Houchen and Laura Baldwin, brought the fun and Geeky side of the era into full swing. Their stunning vocals throughout paired superbly with each other and the Power Ballad ‘Comic Book Kind of Love’ was out of this world.
The music of the show, written by Chris Wilkins and Ben Adams, starts brilliantly with the opening number ‘Tough Man’ setting the rhythm of the evening you are in store for. Every song that comes along seems to be better than the one before, with the finale ‘Go Eugenius’ doing a great job of getting the audience involved with high energy and a very catchy melody.
Evil Lord Hector was the antagonist of the show, played superbly by Neil McDermott. Hector is the typical comic book supervillain and the comedy of this character was performed exquisitely by McDermott to the point where the insanity of the comments he was making seemed natural. This was especially true in the small, but very funny, scene between Hector and Lawrence (Titus Rowe).
This is a ‘G-E-E-K’ Musical for the masses and with some very recognisable voices throughout the enjoyment keeps soaring. If you love the 80s then Eugenius! is definitely the show for you.
Eugenius! the musical is playing at London’s The Other Palace through 14 October. Book your Eugenius! tickets now to ensure you see the Comicbook Comedy that has everyone shouting!