Backstage With The Bard

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Go backstage with the Bard, as Hamnet releases new behind-the-scenes photos! As you can see, it takes a whole team of ladies (and lads) in waiting to tackle the complicated corsets and puff out the pantaloons to transform the cast into Elizabethan lords and ladies, ensuring that no one looks ruff in the process…

Want to see the dressers' efforts in real life? Playing for 14 weeks only, book your tickets to Erica Whyman’s acclaimed play today!  

What is Hamnet About?

Many will be aware of the playwright’s famous tales of woe, heartbreak, and betrayals; Othello, King Lear, and literal folios more, but you may not know the personal hardship that plagued the infamous writer’s life. Adapted from the bestselling novel by Maggie O’Farrell, Hamnet explores one of Shakespeare’s most powerful tragedies: the death of his son. A universal story about family dynamics and the necessary reinvention needed to overcome and make peace with pain. This story, set in 16th-century Warwickshire, transcends time and connects with everyone who has ever lost anyone. Agnes and William Shakespeare are left to confront their individual grief, as many do, but amidst their suffering, a remarkable transformation takes place, leading to something extraordinary.

Book your tickets to Hamnet today!

Maggie O’Farrell’s poignant tale of parental grief will embark on a strictly limited 14-week at the Garrick Theatre. Playing from 30 September 2023, book your tickets today.

🎫 Book tickets to Hamnet now.

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