Coming Soon: 5 Great Plays We Can’t Wait To See

Published on 10 March 2016

There’s never a dull moment on the London theatre scene; as one fantastic play closes, another is always just around the corner. And so while we might have to say a sad farewell to the likes of Goodnight Mister Tom, Hangmen and Red Velvet, we can rest assured their places will be filled by something equally brilliant to make us laugh, cry and, most importantly, forget the world outside for a couple of hours.

So, here are just a few of the highlights awaiting us in the next couple of months:
The Painkiller – 5th March, open now!
Kenneth Branagh’s season at the Garrick has so far been a resounding success. Hot on the heels of the critically acclaimed Red Velvet comes The Painkiller, Sean Foley’s adaptation of a French farce by Francis Veber. Branagh and Rob Brydon reprise their roles as guests in adjoining hotel rooms; one’s a hitman, the other’s suicidal. I’m guessing chaos ensues…
People, Places and Things – opens 15th March
Duncan Macmillan’s People, Places and Things transfers to Wyndham’s Theatre this month for a limited run. This powerful play about addiction and the challenges of recovery in the modern world features a stand-out performance from Denise Gough, and won rave reviews from critics during its sell-out run at the National Theatre last year.
The Comedy About a Bank Robbery – opens 31st March
Following the unexpected runaway success of the ingenious and very silly The Play That Goes Wrong and Peter Pan Goes Wrong, Mischief Theatre Company return with their latest offering at the Criterion Theatre. The title says it all, really: six incompetent criminals attempt to steal a giant diamond, and the stage is set for more hilarious mishaps.
Doctor Faustus – opens 9th April
I might as well be honest; the main reason this one caught my eye is Kit Harington (I mean really, can you blame me?). But he’s not the only reason to be excited about this revival of Christopher Marlowe’s tragedy about a man who makes a deal with the devil. For one thing, it’s directed by Jamie Lloyd; for another, we’ve been promised a fresh new perspective on a classic story. And did I mention Kit Harington...?
Romeo and Juliet – opens 12th May
If Jon Snow wasn't exciting enough, his Game of Thrones co-star, Richard Madden (aka Robb Stark), will also be taking to the stage, in yet another hotly anticipated Branagh production at the Garrick. Joining him are Lily James, Meera Syal and – in an intriguing twist that caused much speculation and debate on Twitter – 76-year-old Derek Jacobi as Mercutio.
So many plays, so little time… What are you most looking forward to seeing over the next few weeks?

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