Q&A with Carrie Hope Fletcher
This retelling has taken all the parts of the Cinderella story we know and love and completely turned them on their heads.
It’s been incredible to be in the room as they’re working. Seeing their process and how their minds work individually and as a team is fascinating.
I cried! Being in a West End show is a big deal anyway but this is an Andrew Lloyd Webber original West End show so I’m still pinching myself.
Being back in a room with theatrical people, doing what I love and seeing the audience react to shows differently now that we’ve been away for so long. I think theatre lovers are going to be even more enthusiastic about theatre when we’re finally allowed to reopen!
Can I say both? I can’t wait to be back in a costume performing but I also can’t wait to see all the shows I never got to see before COVID hit.
Just how vital the arts are to the economy but to our lives as well. I feel like my life is nowhere near as bright or as enriched without theatre.
We had a socially distanced album listening the other week at the Palladium and it was the first time we had all been in a room together. We didn’t get to mingle and chat to everyone as we would have done had we not been in the middle of a pandemic, but it was a really special moment to have everyone together under one roof!
Not only will it be a huge deal because it’ll be one of the first big shows to open in 2021, but it’s also an amazing show. The core message is to remain true to yourself no matter how much people try to change you and in a time when we constantly compare ourselves to filtered, altered photos of someone else’s highlight reel on Instagram, it’s a message that I think really needs to be heard by a younger generation.
ALW’s Cinderella is coming to the West End’s Gillian Lynne Theatre in Spring 2021. You can book your tickets now or buy as a gift! Tickets for Cinderella will make the perfect stagey Christmas gift.