The Buzz from the Bardette: Death Of A Salesman, Sunny Afternoon And Branagh Casting

Published on 13 July 2015

Hello theatre lovers, apologies for the lack of Bardette news, I’ve been on a sunny holiday and had a busy diary of exciting theatre viewing.

One of my highlights has been Bradley Cooper in The Elephant Man. What an outstanding performance by Mr Cooper. We all know he’s a pretty fabulous movie star but I was interested to see if he could act on stage and he didn’t disappoint. 

Without prosthetics, he magnificently contorts his body to embody the physical appearance of Joseph Merrick. It’s a touching story and with great support from Alessandro Nivola as surgeon Frederick Treves it brings this heart-breaking tale to life. There isn’t long left to catch this powerful production, so make sure you head to the Theatre Royal, Haymarket before the 8th of August.  

Another highlight is the RSC’s transfer of Death of a Salesman to the Noel Coward Theatre. Starring Dame Harriet Walter and Anthony Sher, Gregory Doran directs Arthur Miller’s touching and emotional drama. I am a HUGE Harriet Walter fan and she beautifully plays the loyal and loving wife of Willy Loman. For those unfamiliar with the story, Willy is a salesman from Brooklyn, nearing retirement, he was once full of dreams and hopes for his family but he’s tired by life and when he loses his job and the respect of his sons, he struggles to see how he can carry on. It’s an emotional powerhouse and with fine performances from some of the stage greats, I implore you to catch it before it ends on the 18th July.

Next up is Sunny Afternoon this weekend – how have I not seen it yet?! – really looking forward to catching this Olivier Award-winner! It’s a birthday treat for my Dad, as he’s a Kinks lover, but equally it’s a cheeky present for me. Thankfully I am catching it soon with the news that John Dagleish is to appear in the Branagh Season’s Harlequinade and The Winter's Tale later in the year, as I wouldn’t want to miss him!

Have a theatre filled week!

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