The show is set in the legendary Sands Casino, Las Vegas in the 1960's. Often whenever one of the members of what the press dubbed "the Rat Pack" performed, the other memebers would be in the audience and join in causing the Sands Casino to advertise Dean Martin...maybe Frank, maybe Sammy! Fans would flock to the show, even sleeping in their cars to see the show and see who the "surprise guests" would be.
Now the event is recreated by lookalike performers who also bring to live the personalities and stage chemistry of the friends as they perform their greatest hits.
From New York, Atlantic City, Chicago, Las Vegas, Palm Springs & Los Angeles,and tours across the UK, this Rat Pack Tribute Show has received outstanding reviews. With a talented cast and 15-piece orchestra, take a trip back to the glamorous, hot, glitzy nights of Las Vegas with this special Christmas version of the show.
Book Rat Pack tickets online now.
[posted by Louise, 04/08/2011]