Theatre is back: Tickets you can book now!

Published on 20 September 2020

Last updated on 22 September 2020

Here it is, what we’ve all been waiting to hear (read). Theatre is back! It’s been a long hiatus during lockdown without live theatre. Our theatres were closed because, of course, safety comes first, but as the country opened up, we awaited our turn with increased anticipation. At long last, we’re making our way back into our beloved theatres, with the likes of Sleepless: A Musical Romance and The Mousetrap leading the way. Read below to see what exciting theatre shows you can book now – note: 2020 is not cancelled!

The Mousetrap (opening 23 October 2020)

The longest-running play and West End staple for 68 years; Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap is reopening at London’s St Martin’s Theatre on 23 October. The murder mystery is set to thrill audiences again, but with social distancing implemented. Rest assured safety measures have been taken very seriously, so you can feel safe and truly be immersed in the atmosphere of shuddering suspense. The Mousetrap will return with two alternating casts of eight.

One classic. Two casts. Which one will you see?

Lockdown Town (opening 2 October 2020)

One Night Record’s Lockdown Town is London’s new immersive experience that was created to incorporate social distancing into a live music event. In a secret London Bridge location, this exciting and unique event is the perfect way to experience live music again. Escape from 2020 and travel back to an era of groundbreaking music makers. Book with us now and save up to £26 on tickets for all October performances.

SIX at the Lyric (opening 15 November 2020)

Divorced. Beheaded. Live at the Lyric. The Queens are returning to the West End, with a strictly limited season at London’s Lyric Theatre. Don’t Lose Your Head and get your tickets for Six before they sell out! This limited reign will sell-out quicker than you can say ‘divorced, beheaded, died. Divorced, beheaded, survived!’ Get ready to party like it’s 1499 with your favourite Tudor queens!

Back to the Future The Musical (opening 14 May 2021)

Back to the Future The Musical is headed to London’s Adelphi Theatre at 88mph and it is set to change musical theatre history. Get your flux capacitor ready for 1.21giggawatts of pure entertainment with the show that has everyone buzzing. It opened in Manchester to rave reviews and now the DeLorean is headed to the West End. Great Scott! There’s no time to lose. Make like a tree and book your tickets to secure your seats now.

Sleepless: A Musical Romance (LAST CHANCE)

Did you know that London’s Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre has reopened and was the first to stage an indoor musical post lockdown? Sleepless A Musical Romance starring Jay McGuiness and Kimberley Walsh is the feel-good show that we all need in 2020 after months with no live theatre. The venue is COVID-secure, so you can really escape into a musical and social bubble. The limited season must come to an end 26 September 2020, so be sure to book your tickets now. You can save up to £24 with our special offer – tickets starting from £20.

Stay up to date with all the current theatrical news here. Theatre is reopening!

By Jade Ali

A love for theatre stemmed from my love of literature and music, but the West End on my doorstep opened up a whole new appreciation and passion for all things stage-y

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