Top 5 The Book of Mormon songs #StageySoundtrackSunday

Published on 15 May 2022

The multi-Tony-Award winning musical from the creators of South Park continues to be a West End sell-out! Tickets for The Book of Mormon are still some of the hottest in town 9 years after opening in London. The shockingly funny show broke theatre records when it released the Original Broadway Cast Recording, adding further to the musical’s success.

For this week’s #StageySoundtrackSunday we have narrowed down our favourite The Book of Mormon songs. Check out what made our top 5 list below…

5. You and Me (But Mostly Me)

‘You and Me (But Mostly Me)’ comes early in Act 1 and is sung between the characters Elder Price and Elder Cunningham. As is common for this musical, the song is super amusing and really introduces you to these characters and their relationship.

4. Hasa Diga Eebowai

‘Hasa Diga Eebowai’ is sang by the characters Mafala Hatimbi, Elder Price, Elder Cunningham and the Ugandans. It follows ‘You and Me (But Mostly Me)’ and is considered to be a parody of The Lion King’s ‘Hakuna Matata’ but fitting with The Book of Mormon is considerably more vulgar and much darker.

3. Turn It Off

Following is ‘Turn It Off’ which is sung by McKinley and the Mormons. In the song, Elder McKinley is giving Elder Price advice on how to “turn it off” in regard to bottling up negative emotions. This song is mocking, not for the light-hearted and funny to boot!

2. Baptize Me

‘Baptize Me’ comes roughly in the middle of Act 2 and is sung by Elder Cunningham and Nabulungi. On the surface, it’s a song about Nabulungi’s interest in becoming a Mormon but as it’s The Book of Mormon, the song is riddled with sexual themes and innuendos.

1. I Believe

‘I Believe’ is also in the middle of Act 2 and is another number from Elder Price and the ensemble. This is widely considered a favourite song from The Book of Mormon and we have to agree! Price is confronting the military leader, who is terrorising the Ugandans, in this number in the only way he knows how – by trying to convert him to Mormonism. 

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By Jade Ali

A love for theatre stemmed from my love of literature and music, but the West End on my doorstep opened up a whole new appreciation and passion for all things stage-y

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