The show, which ran at the Almeida Theatre early this year, is an adaptation of the iconic and supremely influential sci-fi television show that ran for more 150 episodes from 1959-1964 garnering 3 Emmy Awards. The show is based on original stories by original series creator and presenter Rod Sterling as well as regular contributors Charles Beaumont and Richard Matheson.
Directed by 7-time Olivier winner Richard Jones, The Twilight Zone was adapted for the stage by Anne Washburn acclaimed writer of Mr Burns, whose newest play Shipwreck, a dark comedy about Donald Trump. is set to premiere at the Almeida Theatre in February 2019.
The Twilight Zone was one of the most influential serials of its time, and its influence on popular culture is still very much evident today. To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the serial a new version of the show is currently in production to be released in February 2019. The Twilight Zone reboot will feature actor and comedian Jordan Peele as the host and narrator.
Tickets for the Ambassadors Theatre transfer of The Twilight Zone are available now. Book The Twilight Zone tickets now to guarantee the best seats at the best prices.