Features / New Shows + Transfers
What’s opening in London Theatre in August 2018?
Enjoying the summer so far? Looking to add some more thrill to your summer holidays? Then rest as...
27 Jul, 2018 | By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels
Features / New Shows + Transfers
Shows opening in London Theatre (July 2018)
Walk, walk, walk. Is that all you find yourself doing on a busy mid-summer day in London? Then pe...
26 Jun, 2018 | By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels
Features / New Shows + Transfers
What's opening in London theatre this month? (June 2018)
With a week full of torrential downpours and thunderstorms soon to be followed by a weekend of sw...
31 May, 2018 | By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels
Features / New Shows + Transfers
What’s opening in London theatre this month? May 2018
Summertime is just around the corner and many of us are looking forward to our two upcoming bank ...
30 Apr, 2018 | By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels
Features / New Shows + Transfers
What's opening in London theatre this month? April 2018
Spring has arrived and with the turn of the season comes an eclectic line-up of spectacular new s...
29 Mar, 2018 | By Nicholas Ephram Ryan Daniels
News / Casting / New Shows + Transfers
West End Hamilton Delays Opening, Makes Final Cast Announcement
Theatre fans who have waited on tenterhooks for the London premiere of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s sweep...
8 Sep, 2017 | By London Theatre Direct